Thursday, January 13, 2011

Momentary Lapse of Reason

I intend to be absolutely honest on this blog.  I have nothing to lose in this semi-anonymous realm, or in any realm for that matter.  So I note my successes and failures with equal indifference.

My wife went out and got a large bottle of Jagermeister and multiple cans of Red Bull, brought them home, told me we were done, and that she would figure out what she wanted to do and then tell me later.

That was it.  Days of no speaking or touching allowed, the liquor in the house and very serious statements.  Straw and camel's back.  So now, on day 16 of sobriety, I have fallen off the wagon and am drinking Jager and Red Bull.

So far at least she is is being conversational with me.  But I don't know what tomorrow brings, other than I intend to get back up and just start my day-counting anew.  Damn.  Lost my AA trinket.


  1. Now, me and Ellie are removed from the bedroom for the night. We'll see, as will you if you read this, how things will turn out.

  2. Sometimes in life you have to be selfish, Ask yourself what's best for you and look into the future before you make your decision. Marriage is not and won't be easy. I suggest that you do not become the sacrificial lamb or lose your dreams to accommodate a person who is acting selfishly.

    You are right about one thing, get back up and get back on that wagon and ride till you reach your desired destination I did.

    P.S. I had to let some people go along the way too. It hurt but I got passed it. Real Love, does not give up so easily...

  3. Good advice, and thank you. If this crumbles, it's really too late. I will have been the sacrificial lamb. If it crumbles, I will need a big helping hand to pull me up and send me into what would be Phase Three. I hope it doesn't come to that, but I have little control over it.

  4. Relax, you are an educated person, you do not need someone to validate you. You have a home, a practice and a family to return too.

    Relax, let her know you love her but at what cost must you pay for her love. If being sober is a problem for her then leaving is the best thing she can do.

  5. I'm actually fairly relaxed. I know I have a family and a home. Not the practice though. (I burnt that bridge.)

    I'll need the family, friends, and home to make it through, but I don't think I can go back. I played my one prodigal child card. Now it's forward to whatever my fate is.

  6. It's one thing I know,I've played the Prodigal Son card more than once. They may say you can't come home but you can. Its dealing with the I told you so's that makes it hard to bare.

    When there's no place to go...Its time to go home!
    Talk to that young lady and allow compromise and tell she must allow compromise as well.

    whatever you did to win her heart, win it again.

  7. Believe me. I'm trying to win her back from the brink. But believe me also that your kind words help
